6 Best Mobile App Development Tools

4 Way Technologies is one of the leading mobile app development companies across the world. We have development teams of highly skilled and experienced mobile app developers who are proficient in delivering robust, powerful, feature-rich mobile apps for the betterment and impeccable growth of businesses and organizations.
Mobile phones and mobile app development have become the third wheel of the modern technology-driven world. Mobile app development has evolved in the last decade as a very promising career and there are some best tools that can help developers to build amazing mobile applications.
In this article, we have discussed the top six mobile app development tools that will surely help you in building intuitive and efficient mobile applications.
No doubt people all over the world use smartphones and mobile apps but almost half of them aren’t sure about two things, first, what are the mobile applications and second the definition of mobile app development tools before moving to the tools themselves, let’s have a look at the definitions of both the mobile app and mobile app development tools.
So, let us dive in!
What is a Mobile Application?
Mobile application or mobile app is a computer program or software program that is developed for mobile devices, not just phones but also for tablets or smartwatches. Mobile applications were basically developed for essential assistance and productive services like calendar, emails or contacts the things a person needs handy.
But over the years, with the raising in the number of mobile phone users the type of mobile applications also rapidly grow like there are now social media applications, mobile games, etc. Nowadays there are applications available for every purpose, you want to track your steps – download the application, want to read books why bother to go to market – you can read it on your application all you have to get the application.
In fact, the famous American technology columnist and writer David Pouge renamed smartphones as app phones to distinguish between the earlier smartphones with lesser applications to the modern-day phones available with millions of apps.
What are Mobile App Development Tools?
Mobile App Development Tools are programmed software developed to support the designing of mobile applications. There are different tools like native mobile development tools, cross-platform, open-source mobile development tools, etc.
Here are the top six mobile app development tools:
1. Android Studio

Android Studio is an android application development software toolkit developed by Google. It is built on JetBrain’s IntelliJ software. It is an open-source android mobile app development tool and now as the latest version has been released it can also be used for iPhone app development as well.
Yes, you heard it right Android Studio with the latest updates and Google’s Flutter can be used for both android and iOS app development. With this new cross-platform app development, Android Studio supports crazily amazing widgets, layout designs, development tools, drag, and drop features and it also provides coding shortcuts to make it easy and less time-consuming.
Android Studio is absolutely free of cost and can be used in collaboration with FireStore (Google Cloud Services) to store the data and information in real-time.
2. Xcode

It is an iOS application development software tool developed by Apple to make it easy for iOS developers. It is not only used for mobile app development but also for developing software and applications for macOS, iOS, iPad, Apple smartwatches, and tvOS applications.
In addition to supporting so many different kinds of developments, Xcode also provides pretty amazing layouts, widgets, and designs. Xcode provides everything, provides every facility to develop amazing Apple applications from the greatly unified workflow for UI/UX layouts, designing, to frontend and backend coding to testing to easy debugging. Top of everything is you don’t have to pay any charges for using this.
3. Xamarin

Xamarin is a mobile app development software tool developed by Microsoft. Xamarin used to have two sub-software Xamarin.Android for Android App Development and Xamarin.iOS for iOS app development. With the latest version, it has been introduced as the cross-platform tool that implements CLI and uses a single Microsft.NET codebase to develop native iOS, Android, and Windows applications.
There are more surprises, Xamarin just doesn’t use native tools but also uses Visual Studio Tools for application development. With our basic features, it also provides cloud-publishing and access to Microsoft Azure.
4. PhoneGap

It is a cross-platform mobile app development software tool created by Nitobi. The latest open-source version of PhoneGap was released by Apache, namely Apache Cordova. PhoneGap has one codebase, easy for developers to develop applications for different operating systems like Android, iOS, and windows. PhoneGap supports a different set of technologies and features for each operating system. It helps to build mobile applications with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and modern tools instead of relying on platform-specific, slow responsive APIs.
Applications developed by using PhoneGap are light-weighted and reusable but these applications lack the Native features and UI is more like the websites. That’s why it is recommended for the developers to use the most recent version that is Apache Cordova because it has the newest features and a Native feel for the applications.
5. Ionic

Ionic is an open-source mobile app development software tool mainly for hybrid app development. It was created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley. Ionic is made on web technology and uses AngularJS as the main building block.
It is an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn framework. Ionic is known for providing amazing features and widgets to develop highly responsive, attractive mobile applications and web applications as well. It also supports outstanding designing, animation, and app performance boasting features.
6. React Native

React Native is one of the best JavaScript libraries used to develop native apps for various platforms and devices. It helps you in developing feature-rich mobile apps for both Android and iOS. It also permits you to create platform-specific versions of a number of components, thereby allowing hassle-free use of a single codebase for several platforms. React Native is a community-driven JS library which was launched by Facebook in the year 2018.
Above are listed some of the best mobile app development tools a developer can adopt anytime. Each tool is amazing, efficient and unique, in its own way. Each of these has the potential to fulfill your idea requirements. You have to choose smartly based on the skills you possess and the language you know and of course, according to the charges.

A freelancing blogs and e-books writer who keeps you up with the trending technologies and user guides. A blogger who is currently a post-graduate living in United Kingdom and trying to make her niche as a Data Scientist. Before taking a deep dive into the "Data-World", she got a Bachelor's Technology degree in Computer Science and has always dreamed of writing as a kid which inspired her to write wonderful content with the right amount of technical terms to make it easy for the beginners and as well full-fledged developers to grasp a hold onto the computer technologies.