Best Database for React Native App Development

In the last 6 years React Native has arisen as one of the most useful, time-effective, cost-friendly cross-platform mobile app development frameworks. Developed by Facebook in 2015, it has gained popularity among mobile app developers pretty quickly.
What is React Native?
React Native App Development is an open-source framework for mobile application development notwithstanding web application development also. React Native development services are one of the generally utilized and popular cross-operating system mobile application improvement systems. It is not just used for Android mobile app development and iPhone app development but also for developing macOS applications, smart tvOs applications, Android TV applications, and for Windows mobile and desktop applications in addition to Web and UWP (Universal Windows Platform) as well.
React Native is ReactJS with Native app development capabilities. React Native is motivated by React, so the fundamental principles of the data stream are like it. It is not difficult to call Native functions from React (Native modules). Native modules are underlying Objective-C classes that are accessible through JavaScript. One instance of every module is made according to JavaScript Bridge. They can trade discretionary functions and constants to React Native.
The outline of React Native components relies upon Native. Quite possibly the most astonishing thing about React Native is that it’s “really” Native. Other JavaScript-for-mobile app development frameworks wrap your JavaScript code in a web view. They may re-implement some Native UI functionality, for example, animations and shadow threading, yet you actually compose a web application.
Basic Technical Features of React Native
Programming Language
The main reason for developing cross-platform mobile app development technology is to make it easy for mobile app developers. React Native uses a single programming language that is JavaScript to develop apps for both iOS and Android operating systems and for a number of other application development. JavaScript is popular and is being used by developers for over a decade, hence it’s easy to adopt the React Native framework.
Technical Architecture
React Native uses a technical architecture known as Flux. Flux is developed by Facebook. React Native building design depends upon JS runtime environment architecture, known as JavaScript bridge. The JavaScript code is executed in Native code at runtime.
Why React Native is Popular?
Open-Source Platform
Open-source projects are all about a huge association of coders and developers, who continuously contribute and work towards the improvement of the project and advancement. React Native has likewise an exceptionally huge association of software engineers, designers, and developers working consistently towards bug fixing, highlighting improvement, rendition control, and supporting end-users to utilize it with new stunning features.
Same Code for the different operating systems
React Native is a cross-platform structure. It lets mobile application developers and other smart-electronic app developers utilize similar code for fostering an application with similar proficiency and execution for the distinctive working frameworks. Cross-Platform is the best explanation that makes recovery of the lost segment of code a simple thing.
Work with two major Mobile OS
iOS and Android are totally two distinctive platforms and building local applications for two altogether distinct operating systems is tedious and careful work. Therefore developing a similar Native application for both the OS with the same features and functionality is tiresome and prone to errors and mistakes.
As iOS application designers need to have a significant encounter with Swift or Objective-C and Xcode and then again, Android application development is about Java or Kotlin and the Android SDK. React Native is the rescuer. React Native lets mobile app developers reuse the code which is composed for one operating system. React Native is “compose once and run anywhere”.
Cooperative with third-party Plug-Ins
React Native is viable with third-party plug-ins. To affix any functionality to your application, that is currently not supported by React Native, you can actually download a third-party plug-in and connect it to your module.
5 Most fitted Databases for React Native
A database is an organized combination of data, which can be later on used for accessing information. It is generally saved electronically on a cluster of computer systems. And nowadays, it is stored on cloud platforms. There are two types of databases –
- SQL (Structured Query Language): It is developed for managing data in a framework RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). SQL is a database language, it is utilized for database origin, removal, getting rows, and modifying them, fetching data, running different commands to combine data or differentiate as per the need, etc.
- NoSQL (Not Only SQL): It is a way to deal with the data sets plan that gives versatile compositions and schemas for the storage and restoration of data instead of the conventional table structures that are RDBMS.
There are dozens of databases out there in the market, choosing the best among them as per the technology and framework you are using is always a difficult choice. 5 best-fitted databases to go for React Native are –
1. Realm

Realm is NoSQL, an open-source database management system. It is permitted under Apache License. It follows two-way synchronization between the Realm server and the client-side database that is the mobile application database. It is speedier than that of the relational database. Also, it upholds confounded data types for constant, real-time, and even applications that stay offline.
It doesn’t need any key-value stores or object-related mapping and most importantly it has its own search engine for queries and other stuff. The items protected in the Realm database are taken into account getting to numerous sources or threads. Realm is famous for React Native mobile app development because it helps to improve the performance of the mobile application by managing immense data.
Being a high-performing database, Realm has demonstrated to fix the queries. Albeit the Realm is an open-source DBMS, its high-level variant will cost you $21,000 annually that is $1,750 monthly.
2. Firebase

Firebase is a real-time database developed in 2012. It is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database. It is owned by Google and is used for React Native app development. Though it is more famous for Android app development. It is more usable for mobile applications developed for offline data updating and modifying and data synchronization.
It is known for managing MVC (Model-View-Controller) – based React Native app development with large data requirements. Firebase has special featured tools for tracking and assessing errors and bugs in your mobile application, which is definitely going to make your mobile app development easy.
Firebase also gives you, the developers the full ingress to delete the data from the Google server whenever needed. Google’s database is free to use if you are going to store 1 GB but if you are planning to develop an application that needs more storage then you have to pay $25 per 2.5 GB.
3. MongoDB

MongoDB is one of the most famous NoSQL databases used for React Native app mobile development. MongoDB is a source-available, cross-platform, and document-oriented database used for application development across different platforms.
It was initially published in the year 2012. It is permitted under Server Side Public License. It is especially used for more complex React Native mobile applications. It basically follows the key-value storage with the RDBMS approach. MongoDB has a flexible schema, it allows every data type and data structure.
MongoDB supports your real-time applications and you also can share a large amount of data across multiple clusters. The estimated cost for MongoDB depends upon the specified cloud deployment on the MongoDB website which you choose.
4. SQLite

SQLite is the RDBMS included in the C library and uses SQL. SQLite is usually used for desktop applications but with its latest versions, it is nowadays also being used in other cross-platform applications as well. SQLite is commonly used for storing data locally for mobile applications. It uses all the SQL features and functionalities with some of the other tools that help the mobile app developer to manage and access the data easily.
Albeit, SQLite is not that great a database for mobile application if you are not well-versed with SQL and don’t have adequate knowledge of RDBMS. SQLite is available in the public domain for free of cost.
5. MySQL

MySQL is an open-source RDBMS. SQL is the basis for MYSQL. It lets you keep the existing data in an organized way. MySQL is used for quick and secure operations in React Native app development. It uses the thread-based data allocation technique. It is highly congenial with the local database that you use for mobile app development. You can use MySQL with Realm as well. MySQL is an open-source database by Oracle which means it is free of cost.
Wrap Up
While you are utilizing React Native databases, there are plenty of backend tools and techniques that should be considered during and before the React Native mobile app development. Nonetheless, the React Native backend database ought to be picked based on your venture type and different prerequisites of the application and the idea.
Thus, it turns out to be vital to make a rundown of things prior to picking the database for React Native app development. You should know about the things, you need to use the decency and other aspects of your React Native applications.

A freelancing blogs and e-books writer who keeps you up with the trending technologies and user guides. A blogger who is currently a post-graduate living in United Kingdom and trying to make her niche as a Data Scientist. Before taking a deep dive into the "Data-World", she got a Bachelor's Technology degree in Computer Science and has always dreamed of writing as a kid which inspired her to write wonderful content with the right amount of technical terms to make it easy for the beginners and as well full-fledged developers to grasp a hold onto the computer technologies.